Re: Foot and Mouth
At 07:39 PM 3/14/01 -0700, you wrote:
>However, lest we start imagining that F&M could destroy animal life as we
>know it, it's relevant to realize that F&M's damages would be economic. F&M
>very rarely kills animals (unless it's because carriers get destroyed), it
>just makes them feel sick for awhile, and sick food production animals stop
>producing. Thus a dairy farmer's income could be wiped out when he has no
>milk to sell, even though his cows are alive and will recover, and of course
>that *is* devastating. And the effect would be significant over here in the
>States, because our animals haven't been exposed, havent built up an
>immunity, so when they got it, the dosease would affect them more.
I didn't say anything about H&M killing animals. I merely said
that it will be devastating to every industry here. The dairy farmer
suffers and can't buy equipment. Farm equipment manufacturers
can't sell equipment so they lay off. And like the sneeze in Kansas
theoretically causing a typhoon in Bangladesh the problem ripples
The government will limit animal transportation and activities with
even more economic loss to suppliers of goods and services. Many
animals will be destroyed purely as preventative measures which
will then drive up the cost of food. The price of horsemeat has risen
dramatically because of H&M.
All I said was it isn't going to be pretty.
It is something to taken very seriously. Education and awareness
will lessen its impact.
Marv "H&M will even affect vegetarians." Walker
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