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re: kicking -passing incorrectly
Teresa Van Hove vanhove@ucar.edu
Paraphrasing Vickie (since copy/paste is hard as a guest) this
horse kicked when passed at fairly high speed on a single track
trail while wearing a red ribbon.
Am I the only one wondering what in "L" folks are doing apparently
zipping by a red-ribboned horse on a single track stretch? All the
anti-kicking advice is very good and I agree that horses cant be allowed
to kick when mounted, regardless, but sounds like these folks need to be
reminded of trail safety/courtesty at the ride meeting. The folks that passed
this horse should have requested that he be taken off trail to let them
by AND they should have waited for this to happen. Doing otherwise is
inviting trouble and as we all know enough stuff happens with horses
anyway w/o inviting it to happen.
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