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Re: RC: RE: Re: Quest Reaction

Hi Sylvia
Actually I never have had to ram anything down any of my horses throats.
The horses that don't like the taste of wormers generally just put their
heads high--- my husband is 6'5" and he is tall enough to follow them
up-- that's what I meant about the heavy artillery :-)
I have too many horses to wait around to see if they eat all their
granules or if some alpha horse has stolen their portion. This way I
know that they have it in their system and if they are clever enough to
"cheek it", which some do, I can catch the ploy right away and outfox
them. Makes me feel like a good mom.

Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov	
(Yes, really 16.2!)

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