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Animal by-products in feed.. Whoaaa!

Hey guys.. this sounds like it's turning into a homeopathic vs allopathic
medicine argument. I personally am glad both are available, and  I use both.
There's room enough for everyone to have their opinion and make their
own choices.. this is a bit like talking about religon.. no ones going to convert
unless they're at the end of their rope and reaching for something, and it goes
both ways.
Both Susan and Robyn have made good arguments for what they
beleive.  They could both be right.
We raise free range chickens for their eggs (true free range birds really can't be
used for meat because they're too darned muscled and tough to eat, even in
a crock-pot) )
But beleive me, theres
 a difference in our eggs from the chicken factories eggs that pump out the "store" eggs.
But I still buy store eggs in winter, when our chickens are resting.
 There's alot of gray areas in life, not just black or white.
Who mixes allopathy with homeopathy, and eats very good and very bad stuff.

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