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Re: RC: Animal by-products in feed

Very good point Angie. What do all these statistics mean? We rank right down
there with the third world when it comes to infinat mortality. So all the
claims that are being made about how much better off we are today don't seem
to jive with that statistic. In many cases a statistic is only as good as
the person using it to argue his own point.


Rides 2 Far wrote:

> We live about twice as long now as back in the
> > old days,
> Actually that's a popular misconception.  The decrease in infant
> mortality has doubled the *average* lifespan.  In reality, If I recall
> the data correctly, even back in the old days, if you reached a certain
> age without dying of childhood illnesses, your chances of living to age
> 80 or so were pretty good.  They didn't all die at 40. Just a heck of a
> lot died before reaching their teens.  I was amused when my daughter
> Bonnie was describing the book "Animal Farm" last week.  They supposedly
> had a retirement field for horses when they hit 12.  Sounds like we may
> have doubled *their* expected life span.
> Angie

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