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Gaited horse gaits primer
Can't comment on Abetta saddles, but I may be interested in
buying your aussie saddle: email me if you have it still!
As far as gaits, here is as much as I know
1. Trot: two beat diagonal gait. Diagonal because sequence in
which the legs move is (left-right) left-rear (the left rear +
right front followed by the right rear + left front), and it is
two-beat because the hooves hit the ground two at a time (in
2. Pace: two-beat lateral gait: two beat just like the trot,
but instead of diagonally opposite legs moving together, the
legs that are on the same side move in tandem (left rear + left
front, right rear + right front).
Once you understand the difference between the pace and the
trot, the rest become easter.
3. running walk: lateral 4 beat pace: lateral means the
sequence in which the legs move is left-left right-right (the
left rear followed by the left front followed by the right rear
followed by the right front. The running walk is a pace where
the pairs of legs that move together do not hit the ground in
exact unison. The ideal is a 'square gait', where the hoof-
beats are evenly spaced (one-tow-thre-four), but often it is
more like one-two---three-four (this is sometimes referred to
as a 'stepping-pace' or 'broken pace'). A rack is just a very
fast, animated running walk. Many horses slide between a pace
and a running walk.
4. A fox trot is a four-beat DIAGONAL gait - like a trot
except the hooves in each 'pair' do not move in exact unison,
so each hoof hits the ground separately.
So, in Miller's Analogies terms, the fox-trot is to trot what
the running-walk is to the pace.
What makes the four-beat gaits comfortable is the fact that one
hoof is always on the ground: there is no (or very little)
period of suspension, so the full weight of the horse is never
landing all at once on a set of legs.
Clear as mud? Now if you REALLY want to get confused, try to
figure out Paso Fino gaits or Icelandic Pony gaits... I gave up
before I even started!
Amanda and Cy (who trots, paces, running-walks, racks, 3-beat
canters, 4-beat canters, cross-canters....)
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