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Re: pasture/fertilizer


I have always NOT allowed my horses to graze on a fertilized pasture
until it rains or is irrigated.  Although fertilizer is now pelletized
and not as likely to coat the grass, I personally would not do that. 
It's not as much of a problem if the grass is high when you fertilize. 
If the grass has been eaten down to the ground, then the horse is much
more likely to ingest fertilizer, which I know is true in your
situation.  (Same theory as not feeding grain on the ground...they are
more likely to pick up sand)

Of course, I may be just paranoid and the county extension agent may
feel the risk is minimal.  Tell you what, I will forward this to my
"guru" of nutrition Susan Garlinghouse and Ridcamp.  If it's related to
a horse, these folks have been there and done that.

Does anyone have any specific info on this as to recommendations for

Regards, Jim and Sun of Dimanche

> Flinn Anderson wrote:
> I must call on your opinion(again!!!!).  Bill(barn owner) told me that
> he is
> going to have the county extension come out and fertilize his pastures
> in a couple of weeks.  He told me that the co. extension agent told
> him
> he did not need to remove the horses unless it did not rain for 3 days
> and
> then he may need to take them off of it.  This does not sound right to
> me.
> Am I being paranoid again?  What do you know about this?
> Thanks once again?
> Flinn

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