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Re: RC: Re: Farnam Epps Biting Fly Trap?

I'd like to know if these things work too.  They're kind of pricey, but if 
they really reduce the biting fly population around a place, they'd be worth 
it.  Anyone out there have one?   What do you think?

Trish & King David (who hates those green-headed monsters)
Grand Blanc, Michigan where it's too cold for man or fly, right now.

 I thought about getting one for our place but didn't know if they worked or 
not. I hope you get some positive responses to this thread, because I sure 
spend enough on fly wipe to buy one of them.
 My guess is that they do work or they wouldn't keep advertising them. This 
is their second marketing season.
   ----- Original Message ----- 
   From: Bill and Jan Stevens 
   To: Ridecamp 
   Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 12:58 PM
   Subject: RC: Farnam Epps Biting Fly Trap?
   Just got a flier on a fly trap made by Farnam that catches biting flies.  
Has anyone ever used one or heard if they work?  They can be seen on their 
web site at , under the heading of equipment, then go to fly 
control....the product name is Epps Biting Fly Trap.
   Bill and Jan Stevens
   Fort Howes Endurance Rides, Inc. >>

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