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Endurance New/dues
Elaine Parker elainep@ufl.edu
I'm a lurker and an AERC member. The idea of having downloadable forms to be printed out is very good and
would save not only postage but printing cost. However, please no Internet Magazine. I personally love the glossy,
colorful Endurance News, and consider it to be the only real resource I have for learning about endurance.
(I also do not have a home computer. Just not in the budget for some of us.) I will never be a top tenner, I just rode
my and my colts first limited distance at Goethe and since I'm a native Floridian I don't think it likely I'll ever make
it to the Convention, much as I would love to. I also do not have the financial resources that a lot of people must
have judging by the rigs. Endurance News -especially the ride reports and photos is fascinating to me. It lets me
share that big time world, while I stay comfortably in my small-time world. The training and care articles are extremely
important as I learn to do this and concentrate on keeping my colt in the best shape possible. I became a member
to support the organization, but the News is a big bonus.
Elaine Parker and Weeble from Frosty Florida
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