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awards RC and other ponders

Forgive me I forget the thread.. Since I subscribe to the digest version I 
don't use many quotes.
If I did read correctly If the AERC was on the verge of Bankruptcy then it 
takes many many months to recover, unfortunately people who are avid members 
of the AERC feel wronged in the increase in costs. However...are we 
forgetting that AERC members elected and trusted those they elected to 
insure that the organization stays financially stable?  Are we forgetting 
the increase in costs for publications? again BULK rate mails cost money to 
get permits. It costs nearly 13 cents to mail a small 4x5 card plus an 
additional 22 cents to have it printed with one ink, and cut. Imagine the 
costs of an entire magazine?
another...just because you are out of the black doesn't necessarily mean you 
are out of the red!
I am not a member of the AERC. I have no reason to be at this point. I am 
not competeing and I personally cannot afford the funds at this time. We as 
a company have been in the marroon for the last 6 months and hope to just 
classify red by this spring. We purchased a fledging near closing business 
and with our knowledge and hours of hard work we have managed to build and 
increase our sales. I am assuming this gives me some say so into where as 
AERC is as a Business. I hope the officers that were recently elected into 
office will take the AERC to new heights and build it into a great 
organization to be in! But for someone to wonder why things have gone down 
hill how much down hill is it going to take before we think "oh hell we are 
halfway down the hill? how did we get here?" yet to try to push uphill when 
the load has gotten heavier. You have to run an organization as a business 
or it will fail. You elect people you trust to run that organization. If it 
begins to go down hill then you try again!
I hope this makes sense...Its 1 am and I have had a hard day today and yet a 
harder weekend ahead..but that is Business.. and it is doing great!
carla (just call me mizz positive)
ansata (just call you mizz preachy)
haley (just call you mizz food bearer)
Rob (scuse me miss but can i have the computer for a sec?)
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