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Happy New Year All! Just back from DVE...weather was warm - 60's & 70's
-- eat your heart out! Nights of course were cold (especially at Valley
Wells and Ballarat). Day One: in the am we rode up into the foothills
and back to camp & then over the mountain and along a dry lake bed into
Ballarat. About 125 started this day---the dust! Our trip was
uneventful until we were within site of Ballarat and my daughter's mare
took a bad step and they literally went ass over teakettle into a big
dust ball -- stay still my heart! Luckily besides a bang on the head, a
twisted frame and looking like the dust monster, she was able to ride
on into camp. My hero that day, was a nice lady & her son who stopped
and sacraficed her water bottle. I was concerned about shock & had no
more water. We had the doc (there were actually two in camp) look her
over when her ears started ringing & her head aching. She did have a
concussion, but the head ache got no worse so the next day she rode the
stallion & I rode my mare again. Day two: it's the hardest day. 80
some started this day. You ride to the top of the mountain (about 7800'
total) and back, then an 8 mi out and back. Booo to the person who
sabatoged the trail & sent a bunch of us up the wrong canyon. We
finished about 5:30 that day. The real heros on these days were Alex
and Sparrow who had water out everywhere! Day 3: (I think about 70 or
80 started this day) I rode a different horse and Tinker rode the mare
who fell the 1st day (no injuries). What a long day. More trail
sabatotage! Someone removed all the markings on one whole section of
trail....my hero in the AM was Dave Rabe who saved a BUNCH of us and
got us on the right trail--many ended up in a box canyon. It seemed
like a long day what with miles of rock, then some real deep sand. One
of my PM heros was Ruthie Waltenspiel who after lunch sang us songs and
told us jokes. It was grand! We finished about 4pm that day...whew!
Day 4: (about 60 started) thru the famous Darwin. This place cracks me
up...you never see anyone here, but you know they are there. There are
some very artful sculptures and a neat "berm" house built into the
ground. (Bet that feels good in summer). Sparrow was at the corrals
with water...as it was kinda warm, he was a very welcome sight. Since
Tinker was riding the stallion a second day, (only his 4th ride) were
were moving slow. It was my mare's third day, so I was glad..altho she
did great. My only concern, was getting over that mountain coming back
before dark! We did and got into Panamint at dusk. It couldn't have
been more perfect! The hills were a purple "glow" as we rode in. They
had the tent all set up for the party & boy did the food smell good. I'm
always sad when it ends...getting back to work & reality is really a
drag. Sigh! I could spend my whole life looking at those wide open
spaces, & seeing no telephone lines.
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