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Fwd: AERC Board Minutes


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In a message dated 1/2/01 11:11:17 AM, writes:

<< Maybe this is turning into a vicious cycle sort of thing---but, a year or 

ago,  didn't people complain because the regional awards were held at the

same time as the seminars, and so people had to choose between one or the

other?  I coulda sworn I sent out notes and such to people who had contacted

me saying they'd missed my talk because of the regional awards in the other

hall...tho senility must be setting in, because I can't remember what year

that was.  Had to have been in the last two.



It was last year.  People had to pick between seminars and the regional 
awards ceremony.   This year the seminars will be over a little earlier in 
the afternoon than before.  We will then start the regional awards ceremony 
and finish it before the dance.  We hope to have refreshments at the ceremony 
itself.  We also hope people from all regions attend the whole thing.  It 
will be nice to have as many people as possible supporting members from 
regions like the Southeast which don't draw as many people to the convention 
as other regions because of the distance.  (Now we can all beat to death the 
travel cost and where conventions are located thing for several days.)  
Anyway, we hope the various events won't interfere with each other.

John Parke (the other Pacific Southwest Regional Director)
Solvang CA
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