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Re: RC: It Fell Off..
In a message dated Fri, 3 Mar 2000 8:04:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net> writes:
> Jaye Perry JShoes4u@aol.com
> A wonderful experience at the Atlanta Airport yesterday trying to get the the Convention. WE boarded our flight At 4:30edt and were taxing out to take off and one the engines of the plane literally fell apart on the tarmack. So we limped back to the gate and off loaded and sat at the gate 2 hours before they cancelled the flight. During the resheduling of passengers all that were going to major hub cities were accomodated, Salt Lake, S.F. L.A., Portland and others. This process was another 4 hours. All the connecting flights were booked or over booked and would not be any seats till very late this afternoon(Friday). With most of the meetings I needed to attend and the lectures of interests to my wife the flight schedules to Reno were to late to accomodate us. So in the interests of moving the AERC Convention to a major hub city(s) has our vote.
> Jaye Perry, Farrier
> USET Endurance
This is just one of the reasons why I refuse to fly. Not only will the airlines kill you by hiring suicidal pilots or maintenance people who are just amazed that the stabilizer bolt thing, the one that gets used ten million times a month, is worn down to nothing. And to top it all off they're just damn rude when it comes to how they treat the flying public. If you dare to lose your temper with them (yes, I've made this mistake) cause the flight your kid was supposed to be on is now 7 hours late, security is quickly called and you're whisked outside or into one of those secret rooms, where some perverted whacko thinks he's going to get to search all your body cavities. And that's a good flying day; a bad one is when you don't get to talk about it the next day, cause you don't have any.
The best thing I've found at airports is that the bars usually have some decent draft beer. And if I'm there, waiting for you to come in on your flight, that's where I'll be. I'll have a full foamy glass, on the bar next to mine, patiently waiting for your arrival. You might need more than one, so bring your VISA, drink up and tell me all about your Delta day.
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