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Re: Saddle Training Snafoo?
hi susan,
whenever you worry about "ruining" your horse, remind yourself that lots of
trainers make their living turning "ruined" horses around. whatever you
mess up is probably fixable when thought through. just make sure everyone
is safe, and the incident you describe did not sound safe. you may want to
get some professional help for the breaking part. with youngsters it is not
unusual that they start out really well and only after they get strong and
confident enough do they start trying you.
as far as the length of your session, it does seem too long for anybody to
be getting anywhere but frustrated. i agree with lyons that you need to end
on the best note possible. that doesn't mean you have to mount. you can go
back to the yeilding on the ground or whatever he is a champion about and
praise him and end the session there.
the spinning sounds like a lack of confidence on the horse's and handlers
part. you may want to spend more time on ground work and, as i said, find
someone to help with the mounted work. i don't know where you're located,
but if you're near any race horse farms they often have riders who are
experienced with babies and are available in the afternoons. your vet or
shoer may also know of good people to help.
good luck! jm
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