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Well I may be the current expert on this "thread" this
week, and "Poco" is not an Arab but instead he is a Spanish Mustang.
Although Arabs do it in style and look better, they do not have the corner on
the market.
We were having out 11th ride and he has been spooking.
Getting better by the 5th ride we had a large tree come down behind us and it
set him back a bit. Up until Monday he was again getting better. On Monday I
lost my cell phone and three of us were retracing our steps, I was taking the
lead, hanging off the right side watching the ground, of course when he went he
went to the left. The sad part is I was probably the spook that got him, the
more I hung off the more nervous he got. Did I listen "no". Will I listen next
time "probably so" at least until the ribs heal.
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