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Re: RC: Michigan-don't knock it til ya try it

In a message dated 2/17/00 2:04:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, Eenergonzillen 

<< Hello, I'm glad you are so good at judging how smart people are.  I feel
  honored that you have been kind enough to give me an IQ test.  While I have
  no idea what my IQ actually is...I'm sure those 12 points you just gave me
  have bumped me up well into the genius category.  Yes, I can feel myself
  getting smarter!  So...I suppose that the rocks in your head are somehow
  better than those "marshmallows" that I was born with.   
     So far, I can't tell if you have anything stuck between your ears (like I
  said, I've never been to good at that) but it seems as though you have a
  large stick stuck somewhere else.  Your ego is huge....and someday, you are
  going to thoroughly embarass yourself
  "and that's all I'm gonna say about that" (-Forest Gump)

Already thoroughly embarrassed myself many times--one of the best sources of 
wisdom. Interesting you should quote Forest Gump--why not Mickey Mouse, or 
Bambi? I'm taking back the 12 points of IQ on the basis that most folks quote 
those they think might be a little more intelligent than themselves and, 
until proven otherwise, I have to assume you do the same. 

Actually, raw intelligence doesn't count for much. It's your ability to 
think, and your accumulated knowledge and know-how that really counts.  I 
could give you a little physiology test to see if you know anything at all 
about conditioning your equine athlete, but that would be unfair. 

Let's see, something practical. A problem to solve, like I get every day. Ok, 
here's the situation: 

A very fit horse, trained long and hard. Perfectly sound until today. Getting 
ready for a long hard conditioning ride and we've tapered way back on the 
exercise for the last ten days--hoping he'll peak at race time. BUT. Today he 
goes out and after a mile of trot, starts nodding very badly, head going down 
as the left fore impacts. Brought him back to the barn and in an hour, before 
the vet even got there, he was completely well again.

Test question: What's the problem, which leg did it occur in?


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