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Re: RC: Golf Balls
Gotta tell a funny story on this thread. Several years ago, I had a nephew
living here who was really "into" golf. We kept finding golf balls all over
the horse pasture. My then-husband kept taking the poor kid to task for
hitting golf balls out among the horses, and the poor kid kept insisting that
he hadn't done it. (I'd sure never seen him do it, and he was a really good
kid--not apt to repeat something like that if he knew he wasn't supposed to.)
Well, nephew moved out after about a year, and husband became an ex, and I
STILL kept finding these darn golf balls out there! It was really a mystery
until one day I saw a crow fly over and drop one in the pasture! We are only
a few miles from a driving range ("as the crow flies") and we have a lava
outcropping up in the corner of the pasture--these darn birds were apparently
mistaking golf balls for eggs, picking them up off the driving range (Lord
knows there was every brand of ball under the sun out there), and dropping
them on our rocks to break them!
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