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Re: Step stools was Far Outtt Forest, With the Kid: Part Four

Good warnings and I will keep these things in mind as I watch for new and
better stools.  Those ant hills Celeste suggested could be just the thing! 
:)  While we are on warnings, I'll mention that a client of ours uses those
long trough type feeders (not the type that stand up high or have the hay
rack but the ones close to the ground... supposed to be better for the
horse to eat with their head lower)...anyway, the horses were playing
around in the pasture and one had her foot go through the plastic and, of
course, it didn't break apart but hung on to her leg....she ran through the
pasture with this thing on her leg, ripping her leg to pieces.  I will
never use one of those things after seeing this mess.  She will never be
good for anything except a brood mare now.  The guy thought he had bought
something safe with those troughs.  Give me those individual rubber tubs
any day!!  Just thought I would share some info that might save someone
some grief someday.

Maggie Mieske
Mieske's Silver Lining
10601 S. Richards Rd.
McBain, Michigan 49657

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