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Re: Step stools

.  (Their brain halves are not connected so you have to
> acclimate both sides separately.)

I paid to have a carpenter make some stairs for a mounting block at the club
and we have had to get horses...and riders!...used to them. Radar's not too
bad at the club, but when I came off over his shoulder yesterday in the
desert, he was less than cooperative about a pile of sand, a block of
ex-pyramid and finally some paddock fence that we walked over to. Thank
heaven we were down near the fields. Finally, a series of brutal threats of
violence to his person convinced him to stand still long enough for me to
bend my knee-braced knee (a process measured in geological time) and get
back on. The whole process, including the massive three-giant-steps-left shy
that left me lying in the sand being thankful I was wearing the green
mushroom, left me convinced that not only were his brain halves not
connected to each other, but they also weren't connected to anything else

I got even though. Someone left a faucet on in such a way that there was a 2
meter jet of water straight into the air right next to the path by the
tennis court fence.....and Radar HAD to walk by. Took us four tries and
quite a lot of snorting, but he bit the bullet and admitted that I was more
stubborn than him. Hard to convince even part Arabs that they're not going
to melt if they get wet.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

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