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I use these in my stalls and they work great. Although they come with a
metal covered cord which comes out underneath, protecting the cord and
keeping it away from teeth, I drilled a hole through the stall just big
enough for the cord to go through and pluged them in outside the stall,
leaving most of the cord outside. The other thing you should do is
change the wall socket to a Ground Fault Interupter (GFI) type. You can
get them at any hardware store. I use them on ALL the circuits in my
barn. It protects the animals from shock and the barn from electrical
fires. You only need one at he beginning of the each "string" which
will protect all the other plugs in the string. You can also use a GFI
breaker in the box, but they are relatively expensive. Plugs run about
$12-15 at Home Depot or ACE. Any short, ground, etc., trips the GFI and
does it fast enough to avoid shock. It's especially important to use
these if you use tank heaters. Cheap insurance and well worth the cost.
Jim Holland and Sun of Dimanche
DAldr94141@aol.com wrote:
> Hi. I got an early Christmas present of 3 plastic heated water buckets
> too.
> The heater is inside the bucket and the cord is wrapped in wire that
> comes
> out the bottom and goes thru the wall so the horse isn't tempted to
> chew the
> cord. TSC sells them. I'm afraid of fires too. Does anyone have these
> and any
> concerns with them? Deb
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