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Re: Southerners and Snow
> So maybe we don't have harsh climate but we sure have life easier!
> Carla (awaiting front number four on Wednesday!)
> Plus yet another great advantage to watch your horse play when you turn
> out to exercise and they are bucking kicking snorting and blowing!!
Oh Carla,
You just don't know what you are missing. Like riding bareback through the
snow, and watching the horses tearing around in a snow bank. Kicking up snow
everywhere as they go. But the main thing you are missing is the feeling of
total bliss and I mean total bliss when is warms up after temperatures of
minus 20 and 30 below zero F. How can anyone really appreciate spring in
they haven't been experiencing 20 below weather??? Trust me after a cold
winter, spring is HEAVEN. No greater high in the world. :-)
And I am sorry to tell you, but yes, it is true all northerners consider
southerners a bunch of woosies. Including their horses. :-)
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