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K S SWIGART katswig@earthlink.net
Since nobody else seems to have answered the question about
exercises that can be done in order to improve one's strength
for the procedure of mounting a horse...
Here's a few:
First exercise:
1) Find something that can be used for a "step"
2) Standing square in front of it, step straight up onto it
with one foot
3) Be sure to keep your back perpendicular (i.e. don't lean
forward) while stepping up
3) Balance yourself on the foot you have just stepped up onto
4) Let yourself down (SLOWLY) to below the step
5) Repeat with other leg (This is important!!!)
6) Increase the height of the "step" as you become more
proficient (ideally you should be able to step up onto a
"step" that is about 24" to 30" high)
Since, believe it or not, the muscles that are most used for
mounting are the muscles of the lower back, any of the typical
strengthen your lower back exercises will work. Here is
one that I have found beneficial.
Tummy crunches (most people think of these as being for the
stomach, but they really work the lumbar region)
1) Lie on the floor on your back
2) Cross your arms placing your right hand (palm inwards) on
your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder
3) Lift your shoulders off the floor (probably about 6"-8")
4) Repeat QUICKLY (25-50 reps)
However, there are other "strengthen the lower back" exercises
which I can provide if you want them.
Orange County, Calif
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