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Re: RC: Horse cut by barbed wire

    1.  What can I put on it to  keep flies away; and   2.  Is there
anything else I  could be doing to make the wound heal more quickly; and  
3.  What is the best thing to  use to stop proud flesh from forming; and  

A couple years ago one of my mares had the skin peeled off her lower jaw
between chin and cheek by a kick in the pasture.  The vet declined to
stitch it, just trimming back the loose skin.  On the vet's instructions we
cleaned it daily with betadine and water, rinsed it, and then slathered the
open wound liberally with SWAT to keep the flies away.  SWAT can go right
on the wound and doesn't appear to sting.  She grew new skin and hair
(she's bay) with no scarring or any other problems.

Lynn Kinsky (Santa Ynez, CA)

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