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Re: RC: Horse cut by barbed wire
Ouch, sorry to hear about the accident. I was just reading an article in
Horse & Rider Dec issue on Proud Flesh and here is what they said:
(I have clipped part of the article to keep it short)
How to Prevent it (PF):
Minimize movement and prevent infection by taking the following steps.
-Have your vet suture the wound (if it can be), as soon as possible.
<-Ok you said you can't do that>
-Bandage with a pressure wrap to help hold the wound's edges together
-Keep you horse as quiet as you can while the wound heals. When possible
stall rest may be best.
-Follow your vet's advice for keeping the wound clean and covered, and
administer antibiotics per vet recommendations.
The article also states if PF does appear to have your vet trim it,
apply pressure bandage, and treatment with a cortisone prep.
Horse & Rider Dec '00 Article written by- Barb Crabbe, DVM
I'm not sure if this is going to help or not. Good luck.
~Lee Ann
Maximum Equine
Sports Massage Therapy for the Performance Horse
Lee Ann Feissner, ESMT
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