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Rain, rain, rain
Bloody wretched weather out
here. Almost a hundred millimetres of rain since Friday and there is more
on it's way. You can't walk anywhere without sinking ankle deep in
mud. My driveway is at the bottom of my swimming pool (AGAIN!) and my
goats are in a sulk. I can't get hay delivered as the farmers can't cut,
and I don't even want to think about what prices they're going to charge when
they can cut. I have totally lost my suntan, which pisses me off, as I'm
supposed to be going to the coast for Christmas and no way am I parading a lily
white body around on the beach!
PG has pulled a shoe in this mud,
and Toc is just standing in his stable, getting fatter and fatter on my
ever-diminishing hay (and no, I can't let him out. I tried that yesterday
and he proceeded to play "look at me...I can do sliding stops into the
paddock fence". I do NOT need another vet's bill! He will no
doubt be delightful when I climb on board again.
Oh, and my roof is leaking, the
light in my bedroom has fallen through the ceiling and my house STINKS of wet
Ho bloody ho! Anyone want
rain? South African has had enough!
(cold, wet, and very very
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