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Re: Rats eating anything.
>my cat is now conditioned to immediately put in an appearance for "dinner"
when he hears my .22. He hasn't had much luck catching them on his own. In
fact, he hasn't had much luck with mice...but he DOES deliver moles on my
deck with remarkable Regularity...I guess I have "Moler" instead of a
"Mouser". :)
I should be so lucky. One of my cats, Midge (the Killer Cat from Hell)
regularly catches BATS! Which she then deposits on my lap, half-dead (does
she kill them first? Noooo, it's far more fun watching mum trying to give
them CPR and yelling "phone the vet!" at dad)
I also wondered recently what happened to my Silky Chicken babies until I
got up onto the roof to clean the gutters and found their little bodies next
to Midge's favourite snooze spot.
This morning, I spotted the wretched moggie on the roof of my aviary. Guess
what I'm going to aim my .22 at???? (If I had one, which I don't)
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