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Re: Fwd: RC: Fwd: [Enduranceriders] Fwd: RC: Re: VC's P/R's

Perhaps they ought to think of someone besides themselves and be thoughtful
enough to let someone else go ahead if the situation warrants it, and
sometimes it does, its called being cosiderate.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: RC: Fwd: RC: Fwd: [Enduranceriders] Fwd: RC: Re: VC's P/R's

> In a message dated 1/29/00 12:45:01 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Real" endurance riders (any distance, any horse) don't
>   > whine--they shut up and ride! >>
>   >>
> perhaps the should also "shut up and wait their turn":)
> s (just a thought)

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