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Fwd: Which pad for Sport Saddle?

Can anyone help Debbie with her question?  I haven't seen the barrel pad she 
mentions.  Please respond to her at "" - Thanks!

Dawn (Texas)

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Dawn - I know you have a sport saddle with the toklat woodback pad and 
ultracell inserts.  I'm getting ready to order a pad (I've finally decided on 
a Sportsaddle for Brandy - it fits her great!).  I noticed that the toklat 
pad (with inserts) mentioned specifically for the Sport Saddle is about $50 
more than a similar Toklat woolback pad with inserts (called an oversized 
round barrel pad, and recommended for Sharon Saare, BIg Horn, and some other 
saddles).  The two pads look similar in size and shape, except that the Sport 
Saddle pad has a couple of little straps.  Do you think that the barrel pad 
would work just as well?  If not, I'll get the more expensive one - but I'm 
not sure what the extra cost is for?

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