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Re: Donna's article and AERC policy
----- Original Message -----
From: Steep Teeter <steph@endurance.net>
> Folks - some clarification. This is not about the quality or >
desirability of Donna's article. I think all agree that her
> articles are good. It is simply a policy set by the AERC > Finance
Committee that AERC will not engage in 'trades for services'. > AERC may (or
may not) choose to pay Donna, or any other > contributors for their work.
And Donna and others may (or > may not) choose to buy advertising. Trades
can be useful > ways to do business, but they are also difficult to keep >
straight on the books, and AERC is determined to become > as professional
and business like as possible in their > affairs. > > Steep
In that case, I would say that Donna's articles are the quality that AERC
should be willing to pay for - in order to assure that EN is a useful,
quality publication.
Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~
"Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from
doing something worthwhile."
--Sir Wilfred Grenfell (1865--1940)
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