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Endurance News
"By the way....I drop off my Endurance News at the Dentist's Office
the local Veterinarian. People "steal" them from the counter
This statement attests to my opinion that EN is a good magazine.
Over the last three
years it has improved immensely. The people in charge have done an
excellent job.
At the 1998 AERC Midyear Meeting, AERC Treasurer-Stagg Newman, announced
to the Board that he was investigating procedures for AERC to declareBANKRUPTCY
and subsequent reorganization. The entire Board was taken by surprise
Beginning with the1999 AERC Administration, we dedicated ourselves
to running AERC like a business rather than a backyard club.
we put in place cost saving measures...all these
actions continue to this day. 1999 saw a 20% increase in new
membership and about a $62,000.00 end of year profit, and this year we
should see a much
larger year end profit.
Randy had valid points and what they're doing is working. We
need the policies to
stay alive financially, but there is always a way around things.
And in the human
way of things, we know that there is always the exception to the rule.
Where there's a will there's a way.
Don't you think that Donna could fall under a Grandfather Law?
So the new
policy is to not trade advertising for an article, if Donna had an agreement
this policy went into effect couldn't she be protected by Grandfather Law,
if the membership wanted it? You can't tell me one column and one
space is going to throw us into bankruptcy. Do we need to get a petition
and circulate it throughout the membership? Don't you think the board
listen to the voice of the people? If the vast majority of the membership
wants to
keep Donna's column alive-I believe we could. We would just have
to get organized
and talk loud enough for the board to hear, and that means going beyond
I figure if they need a loophole to break policy the Grandfather Law
would work.
Just my uneducated opinion on the subject,
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