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Donna's Column

Hello Robin,  

I was extremely upset to see that we would not have Donna's column after
December.  I cannot imagine why such an exchange would hurt either the
magazine or our budget. Also I believe that Steph maintains Donna's
Website as an advertizement on Endurance Net not as an interactive
website with the author.

Without Angie and Maggie to entertain us and Donna to educate us, the
whole new spirit of EN would be lost.  When we get expert advice, I have
no difficulty trading for expert advertizing.  If we have to pay for
decent articles, then that should be in the budget.  Why bother to sell
ads in a magazine that does not offer something to read to its
subscribers?  Randy and Maryben are interesting authors but those
editorials would not carry the majority of readers.  

A small ad seems a reasonable trade for expert,
informed, well prepared work!  It is unrealistic to assume that a
quality magazine can be produced, month after month, on the charity of
volunteers and maintain any quality and consistency.

What do the editors intend to do to fill the space?  You often get what
you pay for.  It is kind of many of our members to volunteer an article
here and there, but to agree to write a monthly column should be treated
as employment. Anyone who thinks that writing 1500 well researched and
educational words a month is easy is someone who has not tried it.  


Joane Pappas White
Attorney at Law
Price, Utah

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