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Donna Snyder Smith's columns

Hi All,
    I've said it before so I'll say it again: AERC ought to be capitalizing on the knowledge and experience of it's participants and also looking for ways to generate revenue.   One way might be to sell subscriptions to the newsletter.  Another would be to become a publisher by compiling and selling articles from EN and Ridecamp and maybe even soliciting contributions from members and or experts.  Another word for what I think AERC should be doing is "marketing" our sport; getting the word out to the world at large instead of remaining focused only on the membership.
    There is an editorial in the December Equus which I just got today about the USET selection process.  The author is critical of the present system but also of the tradition-bound training regimes still used by most.  He goes on to say that some top level riders are working with experts in endurance for advice on how to achieve top conditioning without the stress from constant galloping and jumping!   Our achievements and knowledge are respected by the rest of the horse world; it's OK to ask to be paid for what we know and to toot our horn some too.

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