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Re: RC: Re: horse containment in camp

Where you set up your enclosure is probably more important than what you use. A
pen set up in the open will be much more likely to be taken down by a loose
horse, or even loose dog, than one that is set up with blockage. If there is a
fixed fence, I try to put my pen against the fence. If there is a corner of a
fence, that is even better. Your trailer can be used to provide blockage on one
side. Your trailer and truck can be used to provide blockage on two sides.

I would venture to guess that most pens, either electric tape or pipe panels
that have been run down by loose horses were out in the open where a runaway
loose horse had no obstacles to negotiate.


Karen Sullivan wrote:

> I have seen horses liberate themselves from any and all kind of fencing!  I
> have seen horses go through electric fence and run through camp......horses
> getting caught and injured in portable pipe panels at rides, etc.
> Personally, I use electric pens both horse camping and at rides. My horses
> are trained to electric pens at home, and NEVER put two horses in one
> enclosure!  I do it because I believe they relax and move around more, as
> well as lie down.
> Karen

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