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Follow-up on bitting question

  Hi!  I posted a couple of weeks ago about bitting a TWH I was
who was fussing with the bit he had been in (tom thumb snaffle).
Well he came home yestderday!  His prior owner and I went
on a 2 hour ride in the new bridle/bit I bought him.  I
put him in a Kimberwick with a low port and very loose curb
chain.  Nary a head-toss or chomp!  His headand mouth were very
quiet and he responded wonderfully!  The vet who did the pre-
purchase exam pointed out that he still has his wolf-teeth 
(should have noticed that myself, but I was swooning with love-at
-first-ride!). I wonder if the jointed bit was banging into his 
wolf teeth whenever I applied rein?  The diffence is night and

  At any rate, Cyclone has such poitential for endurence
(as much as a big, drak non-arab can at any rate): he
crossses water happily (and drinks at each stream), is incredibly
sure-footed, has the hardest feet I have ever seen on a horse
(in fact I wonder if cast-iron frogs are a good thing... comments?).
?).  He did not even get concerned when a dog-fight broke out 15
feet away from him, and he wants to go-go-go!  I think if he 
hadn't come with a name I'd call him Go-Go Boy.  His prior
owner has done alot of horse-camping with him, as well as
fox-hunting so trailering and strange places with lot's of
unfamiliar horses are old hat for him!  IF ONLY I HAD A
TRAILER!  Sigh... well, one thing at a time!

Well enough gushing!

Happy Trails,
Amanda & Cyclone

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