Hi all,
I'm not a candidate but I am a member/voter so I
thought I'd throw my 2cents worth in.
I've been a weaver/spinner for 30 plus years.
Back in the 1970s, the Handweavers' Guild of America, which had been the
weaving organization for years, made the mistake of not acting on the desire
of all the new weavers of that era for information and support. A
young english teacher/weaver started a small weaving magazine on her kitchen
table that spoke to all of us trying to find ourselves through thread bending.
It wasn't very many years before Interweave Press and its publications
and activities were much more important and influential than HGA.
Like many others, I dropped my membership in HGA but I still subscribe
to "Handwoven" and "Spin-Off."
For years AERC has been the sanctioning, rule-making,
record keeping body for endurance and seemed to believe that that was enough.
I know I'm not the only Ridecamper who turns first to Ridecamp or endurance.net
for information instead of to AERC! And just think of all those riders
who don't have web access, where do they get their information?
Our sport is growing in participation and in varieties
of rides. The time is ripe for AERC to be bold and innovative when
it comes to rider education. It should encourage regional efforts;
make use of volunteers as mentors, teachers and writers/compilers of already
available information; encourage vets to educate; cooperate with breed
organizations to promote distance riding, etc., etc., etc.
I personally think that rider education should be
right at the top of any priority list of AERC activities.
Thanks for letting me spout!