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Heaven or Hell……

But surely an Adventure. 

Indeed, riding the Outlaw Trail 275 mile endurance ride in Utah is definitely all that, and more.  Due to some forced trail changes, the ride was considerably different than past years.  The previous trail was indescribably beautiful and technically challenging.  The new trail is also quite spectacular, however, anybody who had the good fortune to have ridden the real Outlaw Trail…..should grin knowing that they have done probably one of the best endurance rides that ever was.  (it's still nice, but sure did miss riding in the Monument)   Don't anybody get the wrong impression that Crockett has made the new trail any easier or anything.  ha  :=) 

Each day for 5 days we rode 55 miles, broke new trail, went over some of the old trail and some probably did some trail that wasn’t meant for us to do {g}.  We were fortunate to have perfect weather.  Fall colors everywhere.  Riders falling everywhere.  Getting knocked off by tree branches.  Yup, definitely an adventure!

I started the first day and rode the following two on Rocky.  He did all 5 days last year, but only did 3 this year.  Weaver did the remaining 2….he also had done two days the previous year (with a junior).  Now I s’pose that makes me a Pinkerton but you won’t catch me not smiling .  I have sure missed riding Weaver and was just delighted to have the opportunity to have two such great rides on him last week.  I also had good rides on Rocky, heck, the grey furball even won Best Condition on one of the days. 

Instead of describing the trail and all the happenings, I’ll show ya’ll with the photos I took.  Over 600 of them.  Tho I have narrowed them down to less than half already.  Still working on them.  My computer mouse died on me.  Don’t worry, he didn’t suffer.  :P  Got the new mouse working and I can get all 36 pages of photos finished up.  When done they will link from here:   If anybody was there and you know I took your photo, send me your e-mail addy and I’ll forward them over to you.   

This was the first ride I was able to use my new altimeter watch.  Well, I’d used it on many training rides in advance so I’d know how to use it (unlike Crockett, but that’s another story)…..and measured the total elevation gain and loss for all 5 days of the ride.  Total:  over 62,000’.   Yes yes, we’ve got tough horses that can do anything, don’t we fellow Outlaws? (and Pinkertons)   Climb logs, hop up and down rock ledges, herd cattle (even bulls  GO WEAVER), you name it they can do it! 

Happy Trails,

in NV
& Rocky, 3,180 miles
& Weaver, 3,415 miles

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