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abcess relief
Prognosis better, now, for China's recovery from the abcess. To all those
who provided encouragement and advice, thank you thank you thank you. I
came home armed with an arsenal of remedial ideas. And, I had my regular
vet come out to give me that ever so critical second opinion. The first
thing he did was enlarge the hole to provide for easier and quicker draining
(which the abcess is doing, at last); then, he instructed me to make a
potion, bandage it on the hoof, put on an easyboot, and let the medication
do its work for three days. (This is a releif, not having to do soaks twice
a day!). The potion: Blend in a tube of DMSO jel into a jar (one pound) of
nitrofurazone. Apply to gauze bandage, hold to bottom of slippery hoof
attached to a thrusting leg while wrapping vet wrap around hoof to secure
bandage. Then, a bit of duct tape to ensure the wrap stays on. Step the
hoof into an easy boot. Voila! (Oh, yes, wear rubber gloves - dmso - that
become slick with salve and can't grip the vet wrap.)
But, three tries later and she's booted.
Oh, one last potion recommendation. I stopped at the farriers supply store
at Portland Meadows (thoroughbred track, winter season) looking for products
recommended by various members of these groups. The fellow there, old
timer, said, well, I could probably sell you something, but if it's a
poultice you want to draw the abcess out, this is what you do: Take cream
of wheat (unfortunately he didn't say whether is was 1 minute or 5 minute
quick or if I could use a different brand), mix in condensed milk to make a
paste. Apply; put a bag over the hoof; duct tape securely. Leave on a
couple days, change, do over.
I've got quite a list of remedies now!
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