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Re: RC: Re: Re: antibiotics and digestion
I always forget to check teeth, and when Gav has trouble gaining or
holding his weight, if I check his teeth? Ouch!! Points!
-- Linda
Michelle Fink wrote:
> > You can replace some (maybe half or better) of the equine senior
> with more beet pulp (Susan) I was feeding beetpulp 2x per day, but a
> lot fermented and was wasted as she didn't eat it fast enough. She
> loves the water, and will eat a hole in the bucket of it, and then not
> eat the stuff on the sides. So I replaced the wet beetpulp with dry
> Sr., and found she will eat more Sr. than beetpulp, so I upped the
> ration of Sr. to 1 gallon of it 3x per day. I am feeding her a big
> bucket of beetpulp at night, and it's gone by morning. ??? Should I
> feed BP drier or in a different container or something? How much
> grain should I mix in and which type (I have rolled oats on hand)?? I
> will feed grain if it does not make her hot, she already bucks and
> trots around on 3 legs enough. :-) > Is she still on antibiotics? And
> why do you suspect ulcers? (Susan) She is still on Baytril (the
> "elephant gun" of antibiotics) and will be for 2 more weeks. She's
> also eating 1/2 g of bute 2x per day, (down from 2 g per day), between
> bute and stress, I thought ulcers were a distinct possibility. The
> vet checked for blood in her stool, but did not find anything. For a
> while, her anus appeared to have some slight sores on it (right after
> surgery). I added the aloe juice around the time I noticed them.
> They have since gone away. For all I know, they may have just been
> some type of bedsores. >Maybe you should try a fecal sample on her.
> Even though you might have wormed her, the hay belly look is sometimes
> a sign of worms. (Tammy) She was on Strongid 2CX until last week.
> The vet did a fecal about a month ago and found her to be clean. I
> took her off Strongid as it has started to freeze here, and I thought
> removing an extra chemical from her diet would not be a bad thing.
> Teeth have been floated in spring, but I will have the vet check them
> on Monday (our weekly appointment). Thanks Susan & Tammy!! m(Colorado)
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