----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 9:36
Subject: RC: antibiotics and
My injured mare that weighs 900 lbs. is eating
about 10 lbs. Equine Sr. per day, and about 10-15 lbs hay per day, and
beetpulp (just a few lbs.), and 1 c. corn oil. She's an eating &
pooping machine, but is not picking up weight. Is this due to
antibiotics killing off the gut flora? I am feeding her probiotics daily
in her Acculytes and I am also feeding 1 cup aloe juice in case of
ulcers. She's a ribby but has a little hay belly & is well
hydrated. I am blanketing her at night to help her conserve
energy. Anything else I can do for her??? I don't think I can feed
more fat... There isn't much pasture around due to drought, her hay is a
very good quality alfalfa/grass mix.
Ideas welcome!!!