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Re:Saddle Fit - Your Pad
Lynda Townsend townsend.buggies.sleighs@qc.aibn
Laurel - If you can beg, borrow or buy an impression pad it will
tell you how your saddle is fitting, and where your problems are.
Changing pads is like adding another pair of socks when your shoes
are already to small. Doesn't really
work, but will change the pressure points for a day or two and
then you will have problems again. Best not to buy another saddle
until you can be sure that it is fitting decently, and then as
your horse muscles and changes you will need to check your saddle
fit on a regular basis and adjust it accordingly.
It is amazing how these incredable animals work day after day,
with pressure and pain, and when we get a little blister, we can
hardly walk, if in our shoes, or shovel if on our hands.
Lynda (obsessed with saddle fit)
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