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RE: Questions for Director at Large Candidates
-----Original Message-----
From: KimFue@aol.com [mailto:KimFue@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 03:18 PM
To: bobmorris@rmci.net; ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: Questions for Director at Large Candidates
Hi Bob and other candidates,
Just a few questions on your position on some of the recent issues that
face AERC. It would be great to clarify your position on these as it would
help me to make a decision in voting for Director at Large.
FEI Competition:
1. What role do you feel AERC should play in supporting International
AERC should support International the same way it supports Multi-day, the
same way it supports Limited Distance, the same way it supports 100's, etc.
International is just one of the many facets of endurance. AERC is for the
membership - all of the membership, a very diverse group.
2. In your opinion, do you feel the present board supports riders who wish
compete in FEI competitions?
In my opinion, yes. The Board is a very diverse group also. Once in a
while one or two Board members go on a vendetta against something. The
value of a large Board is that the wisdom of the other usually prevents a
few loose cannons from causing too much damage.
3. Do you think that AERC should encourage ride managers to hold dual
sanctioned rides (FEI/AERC) and if so please explain how this position would
benefit riders that wish to compete only on the local level. If not, how
would AERC riders who wish to compete at the FEI level qualify?
Dual sanctioned rides would only serve to benefit everyone IF they are done
in such a way that the increased costs are appropriately allocated. Only
the riders who wish to enter the FEI portion would have to pay the increased
costs and abide by any special rules (though the rules are nearly the same
as AERC at the local level). It is much like offering a special class at a
horse show - if you don't want to enter, you don't have to and you don't
have to pay the fee. Also, it doesn't affect the other classes in any way.
4. Do you think ride managers who hold dual sanctioned rides should be
compensated by AERC for the extra expense at hiring FEI officials etc.?
Funding FEI events is not the purpose of AERC. If AERC International wanted
to raise fund specifically for this, that would be great, but the funds from
the general membership should not go to funding local FEI rides.
1. Do you support listing pulls in Endurance News?
Yes. I believe the more we know the better we all will be. Why hide the
truth? Eventually everyone will come to realize that it is not bad to
withdraw from an event. I think much more highly of those that know their
horse and know when they should stop than those who continue on at all costs
because they don't want to get pulled.
2. Do you feel, in general, that completion criteria at most rides you
is too lax?
Completion criteria, despite the best efforts of the AERC, is not yet
consistent throughout the United States. Surprisingly, completion criteria
is more consistent throughout the world than within our regions.
3. What percentage of endurance riders do you feel over ride their horses?
I feel that there are very few that over-ride their horses. I do feel that
there are a few highly visible individuals that consistently over-ride their
horses but until they get outside the parameters it is very difficult to
pull them.
4. Do you feel that there are enough rules in place to ensure the safety of
horses competing in endurance events? If not, what are some ideas/rules
you would support to safeguard the health of endurance horses?
I believe that we have enough rules, if not too many. I may be a little
old-fashioned here in that I think common sense can answer just about any
rule question but I fully realize two things: Many people have no common
sense and You cannot legislate common sense.
It is my opinion that education of the veterinarians and of the riders is
how to best ensure the safety of the horses.
5. In your opinion, what is the purpose of Limited Distance rides? Should
LD be treated as any other distance with a winner, BC and the miles to count
towards the total lifetime mileage of the horse?
If there were only one purpose of LD, then I would be glad to tell you.
Then I would continue with the single purpose of the meaning of life. I
have talked with so many people that fully understood the purpose of LD to
themselves. I have listened to some evangelically sermon to me about what
LD is for. While nearly every one is different, they are all correct to
themselves. Even some entire regions have vastly different beliefs as to
what LD is for.
Now that I have sidestepped that question speaking as a director, let me
tell you my personal opinion. Endurance started as one-day one-horse
one-hundred miles. Then came 50's. Now there are a lot more 50's than
100's. Is the sport still pure? That is up to whom you ask. Now come
25's. I expect that soon there will be a lot more 25's than 50's. Is that
bad? Few people can complete marathons, but many, many can do 10k runs.
How many marathons are there versus 10k's?
The major hang-up I see is that while 10k's are much more popular, they
still are not called marathons. Maybe the way for the more polar viewpoints
on LD to come together is to agree that 25's should be called something else
(still under AERC) and can stand on their own.
6. What type of National Championship Ride (if any) would you support?
There needs to be a National Championship Endurance Ride. The exact style
is evolving. I still support an ROC-type of format, but tempered by the
experience we have gained since then. I do not believe that AERC should
expend any funds to underwrite the NC.
7. What types of issues do you feel should be voted on by the entire AERC
Anything that the membership feels they want to vote on and which can wait
until the annual meeting in Feb/March.
Kim Fuess
AERC# 6648
C. Mike Tomlinson
1180 Muir Station Rd
Lexington, KY 40516-9697
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