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RE: Questions for Director at Large Candidates


My answers to your questions follow. I would be interested if you receive
any other responses. I am afraid I digress a bit on some of the answers but
do so as to express my full thoughts.

Bob Morris

FEI Competition:
1. What role do you feel AERC should play in supporting International
**The AERC made an attempt to fully support International Competition by
formulating the AERC International Committee. In my personal involvement
with International competition (since the first North American
Championships) I have not found this committee to be much more than self
serving. It is time for reevaluation of the AERC involvement in
International competition and the methods for participation.

2. In your opinion, do you feel the present board supports riders who wish
compete in FEI competitions?
**It is not with in the purview of the AERC Board of Directors to support
the riders who wish to compete in FEI Competition. The hierarchy of
international competition is some what convoluted in the matter of
representation and support. Endurance riders in the United States are
represented in international competition by the American Horse Show
Association. (AHSA) There is where we must develop more support.

3. Do you think that AERC should encourage ride managers to hold dual
sanctioned rides (FEI/AERC) and if so please explain how this position would
benefit riders that wish to compete only on the local level.  If not, how
would AERC riders who wish to compete at the FEI level qualify?
**Let me say that I have some what strong feelings about FEI. First I have
been involved with FEI rides in the US since 1986. I have seen some of the
good points and many of the poor points. FEI rides, in my opinion, are not
conducted in what I would call an American manner. Regimentation, pomp,
ceremony, and control are tantamount for FEI. This is not our way. But I

The regulations connected to FEI Rides can become quite overwhelming. The
restrictions on accredited personnel such as stewards and Vets can be very
expensive. In Europe, where a foreign country is no further away than the
other end of the county (much less the state) where I live, it is easy to
meet the requirements for non-local officials. Here in the USA we have a
problem as our country is much more vast.

If a Ride manager attributes to the riders, who want to ride for FEI credit,
those costs associated to the sanctioning and conduct of the FEI portion of
the ride, I do not believe there will be many takers who are not reasonably
comfortable financially. If the Ride manager distributes the FEI costs to
all entries in the ride FEI or not, then the general membership is
subsidizing the FEI rider and I do not believe that this will wash.

To that end, I believe it is in the best interests of the USA rider, who
does want to do International riding, to work with in the AERC to dispense
with the FEI stringent conditions for entry into competition. How this
country chooses its representatives is totally outside the scope of how the
FEI conducts its competition. It is the responsibility of our competitors to
function fully and correctly within the FEI complex while in completion in

4. Do you think ride managers who hold dual sanctioned rides should be
compensated by AERC for the extra expense at hiring FEI officials etc.?
**NO! First, the AERC could not afford to do so. Second, it is not with in
the defined function of the AERC to do so.

1. Do you support listing pulls in Endurance News?
**Yes, I support the listing of pulls in Endurance News as this information
is a part of endurance competition. In other sports do you see mention of
only the winners? Golf shows a list of non-qualifiers for a tournament, flat
track a list of non-starters, and so on through out the realm of competitive
sports. It is also a measure of the ride itself, the degree of difficulty
and as well a measure of the care and planning a competitor puts into their

2. Do you feel, in general, that completion criteria at most rides you
is too lax?
**No, most rides here in the Northwest have rather low pulse criteria (60)
and the Vets are quite well versed in noticing metabolic and lameness
problems. They are not afraid to call these as they see them. I do however,
fault some ride managers who are very lax in determining overtime riders.

3. What percentage of endurance riders do you feel over ride their horses?
**It is my opinion that those over riding their horses are extremely few.
However, those riding on the border line, and not aware of it are much more
prevalent. Rider ego is the prime cause of this.

4. Do you feel that there are enough rules in place to ensure the safety of
horses competing in endurance events?  If not, what are some ideas/rules
you would support to safeguard the health of endurance horses?
**Having been part of the instrument that codified our rules and regulations
I am quite protective of them. RULES cannot protect the horse nor can they
ensure the safety of the horse. ENFORCEMENT of the rules, those rules that
currently exist, can do wonders for protection. In my not unbiased opinion,
currently the sport of endurance riding tries to be kind to every one. That
leads to "looking the other way" when rules are violated. If you know a
horse is underage and entered in a ride, report it. You are thus ensuring
the welfare of the animal. If trail is cut, report it you are ensuring the
fairness of the total competition. I could go on and on with examples but I
am sure you get the idea.

And remember, the preamble to our AERC Rules and Regulations state; "but the
competitor is ultimately responsible for self and mount before, during and
after an endurance ride." That is the ultimately rule for the protection of
the horse.

5.  In your opinion, what is the purpose of Limited Distance rides?  Should
LD be treated as any other distance with a winner, BC and the miles to count
towards the total lifetime mileage of the horse?
**Limited Distance Rides were conceived as a methodology for young horses
and beginning riders to be introduced to endurance riding. The By-laws of
the AERC define the endurance ride as distances of fifty miles or more. Thus
if include LD and we call the lifetime mileage "lifetime mileage in
endurance riding" then the By-laws are being ignored. If we call it
"lifetime mileage in distance riding" that allows any distance from one mile
through infinity to be recorded.

I counter, what do the members want? I see a possibility of using Maryben's
concept as defined in the September AERC News but I do not think it will be
acceptable to those "professional" LD Riders.

6. What type of National Championship Ride (if any) would you support?
**I do not think that the membership will ever be totally pleased with any
National Championship Ride no matter what form, location or style is
proposed. I hear the desire for reinstatement of the ROC as one. The
attendance was never overwhelming. I do believe that the membership wants a
championship ride system, but only as long as someone else puts it on and
they can bitch about it. The past two years were a good start on a fairly
adequate system, to bad it is changed for this next year. The riders
concerned are quick to reject and slow to accept no matter what is

One of the prime things lacking in our National Championship system is hype
and advertising. I found it shocking to get a AERC News with a blank page!
There went an opportunity for a full blast about the championship rides.
Very poor management. To quote Pogo (if you remember him) " We have met the
enemy and he is us". I do believe, and I can garner statistics to bolster my
belief, that if the BoD mandated one system for the Championship rides be
put into place ad maintained for a minimum of five years, then that system
would be successful.

7. What types of issues do you feel should be voted on by the entire AERC
**In a properly functioning corporate setup this is a question that should
not arise. Thus, I must feel that you do not believe the delegation to your
Regional and At-Large Directors, for voting on all matters is acceptable. In
the structure of the AERC, it would be possible for initiatives, proposed by
the membership through petitions, to be voted on by the membership.
Considering the low vote count during elections, the low participation for
elected office, the low interest in day to day functioning of the
corporation, I do not think this would occur.

However, if the membership so desired the ability to vote on issues, if the
membership petitioned their elected Directors and if the membership could
define the protocol for such a voting, I believe it could be done.

The most direct answer to your question though is that I feel the members
voted for Directors who could implement the clauses off the AERC By-laws and
negate the necessity for votes by the entire membership.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 1:18 PM
Subject: Questions for Director at Large Candidates

Hi Bob and other candidates,
    Just a few questions on your position on some of the recent issues that
face AERC.  It would be great to clarify your position on these as it would
help me to make a decision in voting for Director at Large.

FEI Competition:
1. What role do you feel AERC should play in supporting International
2. In your opinion, do you feel the present board supports riders who wish
compete in FEI competitions?
3. Do you think that AERC should encourage ride managers to hold dual
sanctioned rides (FEI/AERC) and if so please explain how this position would
benefit riders that wish to compete only on the local level.  If not, how
would AERC riders who wish to compete at the FEI level qualify?
4. Do you think ride managers who hold dual sanctioned rides should be
compensated by AERC for the extra expense at hiring FEI officials etc.?

1. Do you support listing pulls in Endurance News?
2. Do you feel, in general, that completion criteria at most rides you
is too lax?
3. What percentage of endurance riders do you feel over ride their horses?
4. Do you feel that there are enough rules in place to ensure the safety of
horses competing in endurance events?  If not, what are some ideas/rules
you would support to safeguard the health of endurance horses?
5.  In your opinion, what is the purpose of Limited Distance rides?  Should
LD be treated as any other distance with a winner, BC and the miles to count
towards the total lifetime mileage of the horse?
6. What type of National Championship Ride (if any) would you support?
7. What types of issues do you feel should be voted on by the entire AERC

Kim Fuess
AERC# 6648

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