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No More Poor Saddle Fit!!
Lynda Townsend townsend.buggies.sleighs@qc.aibn.com
There is a new sensor pad on the market, made by Port
Lewis, the same people that make the cloud stirrups.
This pad will tell you more then you ever wanted to know
about how your saddle is fitting. And its affordable.
No one should buy a saddle without trying it on with this
pad. You can lung your horse with the saddle and pad or you
can ride in it, and it will show you all the pressure pionts,
or it will leave a nice even saddle mark on the pad showing no
I was very fortunate and had the great opportunity
to test this pad for the past year,and have tried it on about 60
horses, sometimes 2 or 3 saddles on the same horse. Most people thinking
that their very expensive saddles, fit their horse well. Many were
in shock after only lunging their horses with the pad and their
"good" saddle on, when they saw the bare spots left on the pad, caused
by the pressure of poor saddle fit,without even the riders weight added.
Most of the saddles were bridging, many were too narrow, some were even
lop sided, pressure on only one side.
No one should own a horse and saddle without owning this pad. There
is no reason for poor saddle fit today. Your horse is changing
daily as it muscles and matures. The saddle that fits today, may
not tomorrow, and now you can check your saddle everyday if you want,
it takes only minutes, and the results are real. They are also making a
a pad that can be shimmed, to eliminate pressure points. If you would like
to know more about this fantastic sensor Pad - contact
Lynda Townsend
And No I do not own this company. I only had the great opportunity
to test it on many great horses, in all horse related sports, and
to see that 95% of the saddles did not fit properly.
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