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Re: RC: riding and calories...

In a message dated 09/20/2000 9:19:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Detractors of horseback riding may think
 that the only one getting exercise is the
  horse. Not true. The average hour
  workout with a horse will eat up between
  300-350 calories. You'll burn up another
 150-200 calories in the half hour it takes
  to groom, saddle and clean the beast.
 Even carrying hay burns calories. An hour
 of horseback riding is comparable to
  walking/running four to five miles or
  bicycling 10 miles.   >>

Hi Mike,
Do you know if this is the horse trotting and or cantering at a constant 
speed during this hour? I do think that is does matter how the person rides 
also. A rider who is a "passenger" is using a lot less energy than a rider 
that strives to ride correctly and support their own body weight. It takes an 
incredible amount of muscle tone to support your own body weight and truely 
help the horse out. The information that you  stated above would definately 
be correct if the rider IS really supporting their own body weight at least 
most of the time. 

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