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Re: RC: gimme shelter

At 07:55 PM 9/20/00 +0000, carla wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on an economical run in shed?
>I have to make sure I can remove it because I have a one year lease and I 
>am afraid next year I will have to remove my horses from her property.

Some friends built a temporary shelter of straw bales (although it's been 
up for 5 years so far!).  They just stacked the bales up from the ground 
(picked a place that didn't get an awful lot of runoff) but you could put 
them on RR ties or something if you were concerned.  A 3 sided deal with 
the back facing the wind.  Then they laid some 2x4s on the top, covered the 
bales & 2x4s with chicken wire.  They ran baling wire through the bales 
anchoring the chicken wire.  Then they laid some more 2x4s on top for 
rafters, tacking them to the wood on top of the bales, then plywood over 
that.  If you use screws for the wood, then the whole thing could be 
disassembled pretty easily.  At the most you'd lose the bottom bales if 
they were on the ground.  I think we're going to build a couple of those 
for our horses this winter.  Lif

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