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RE: cats & horses

Here in Idaho I have seen bumper stickers that read 'THE OTHER WHITE

Of course they are referring to Mt. Lion and it is quite good so the smaller
ones could be rather tender.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kristine Hammond []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 5:15 PM
Subject: RC: cats & horses

Dear Shelly,
The part I didn't add was that our local SPCA is 25 miles from here and has
no cat facilities-they are put to death on arrival.  Our local SPCA has only
dog and barnyard capabilities.  So-I might as well shoot them as take them
to the SPCA, and save myself a 50 mile round trip.  Maybe I will just have
to be "not hard on myself if I can't help them"
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: RC: cats & horses

>I thought we had a problem here, but compared to 80 cats my problem is
>potatoes. I have a humane trap and all "wild" (feral) cats are taken to the
>SPCA. I figure a humane death is better than how they have to live and die
>uncared for. Also, we did have a rabid cat bite people in a nearby town. He
>was a stray that people fed but no one took the responsibility to have him
>vaccinated for rabies. The humane society in the neighboring county is
>no-kill, but they have 60 cats and are more than full. I currently have 2
>cats that the previous neighbor threw out, 1 that the people down the
>didn't want, and 3 kittens I hope to find homes for. My favorite is the
>kitten a feral female hid and I found, I took him home and bottle fed him
>he wouldn't end up wild and reproducing. They are all neutered when they
>old enough and at the bare minimum they are vaccinated for rabies. The
>frustrating part is that the problem is never going to end as long as the
>*&^&^$$%'s keep dumping the poor animals. Then someone else has to play the
>"heavy" and make life and death decisions. Good luck and don't be hard on
>yourself if you can't help them all.
>               Shelly in DE

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