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Re: revealing the pasture dance.
At 08:09 PM 9/19/00 +0000, robert and carla lawson wrote:
>Okay I will not be held responsible for the foundering of horses or pissed
>off husbands, and neighbors screaming or shooting at you in the night.You
>must use extreme caution!!!
Carla - you truly are strange. However interesting your pasture dance is,
the big problem for those of us with no rain - or at least me - is that
there isn't enough water available to irrigate with! Our nearest neighbor
is 1 1/2 miles away, so it would be difficult to irritate him with the
noise. I mean music.
So if you were to do the dance for me instead of me doing it, that would be
good. I don't need to seed the grass, I need the rain. I'll let the grass
take care of itself. Thanks in advance, Lif
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