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Hog Wild Ride Help
This is to all of those of you that helped me get through the ride. As many
of you know I whine alot. And boy did I whine. Thanks to Pat and Heidi who
had to listen to me for 30 miles. They truly are great friends. They would
not let me quit and kept letting me know that all would be well and BOB was
fine and just shut up and ride.
Thanks to Don ( Cowboy hat Bandana) who got me a PBJ, held my horse and
helped fill water bottles. He let me know that it was just another 10 or so
Thanks to all the PR people ( Katee and Becky) you guys really kept me going
with your smiles and reasurrances that all was well and BOB was okay and
shut up and ride. Without all of you I never would have made it. It truly
is a "Team Sport" Thanks again My Angels. Donna and BOB
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