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Re: Tucker Saddles
My boyfriend bought the endurance model back in June.. it's very comfy although
it sits 'up' a bit from the horse's back giving you less 'feel' for the horse.
He had been having recurring back problems and Dr. Ridgeway (equine
chiropractor, DVM) came out to assess Tavi as well as saddle fit. Dr. found
the rigging on the saddle was about an inch off, causing the saddle to sit
slightly crooked on Tavi. One of Tavi's shoulders is bigger than the other,
but the way the shoulder was crooked it should have off set the crookedness of
the saddle (that make sense?). Anyways, I called up Tucker Saddles and they
were very nice about returning the saddle and even switching it for a wider
model which Tavi needed as well (for FREE!). We won't recieve the saddle until
November and hopefully they will follow through..
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