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RE: EuroEnduro: Horse & Hound - Endurance Qualifications

Thanks for posting this.  It will be interesting to see what the
actual qualifications are for the star system and to see if any
U.S. ride managers will want to "star" their events.  Does anyone
know if AERC International had any input on this decision?

It looks like the intent is good, but how it's going to translate
into reality.... or what impact it really will have with U.S.
competing at the international level.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jasmine Cave []
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:49 PM
Subject: RC: EuroEnduro: Horse & Hound - Endurance Qualifications

>From: "Gill Talbot (STREGIS)" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: EuroEnduro: Horse & Hound - Endurance Qualifications
>Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 12:38:51 +0000
>Reply-To: "Gill Talbot (STREGIS)" <>
>Sender: Majordomo mailing list server <>
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
id HAA47914
>HOT OFF THE PRESS  :  In the Sports News Section today
>QUOTE**Qualification procedures for international endurance rides are
to be
>tightened up with the introduction of a new star system to replace the
>CEI (A) and CEI(B) rides.  Events will be categorised more clearly
according to
>distance and the rides specified veterinary parameters of heart rate
and the
>max., time available for a horse to be presented at a vetgate.
>One star events will be over short distances, but are expected to have
>vet. parameters.  Four star rides will be international level and
1 day
>100 mile rides.  Both horse and rider will have to have completed a
>number of starred events before moving up to the next level.
>The ruling which is expected to go before the FEI bureau in November
>ratification by its general assembly in April next year, was outlined
at the
>recent meeting of the FEI endurance committee following the World
Champs. in
>France.  The object is to ensure that welfare considerations keep pace
with the
>rapid growth of the sport and enable riders from countries where the
sport is
>newly emerging to progress through the distances before contesting
>An FEI spokesman said "This will lead to a more rigorous qualification
>procedure than in the past"
>BEI chairman JR welcomed the proposals.
>The committee has confirmed the 2002 WEC set to take place in Jerez
>WEG will be a one day ride (160Km)  However the European Championships
>are expected to follow a new format along the lines of the model
established at
>Wicklow Hills with a 2 day 200km race ride **  END
>What about that then?
>This message is intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed
>contain confidential or privileged information.  If you have received
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>error please reply to the sender indicating it was received in error
>destroy this e-mail and any information attached to it.  In addition,
>not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on the message or
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>the information.
>                                                    St Regis Paper
>Registered Office: 4-16 Artillery Row, London SW1P 1RZ. Registered No.

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